The road ‘ekta mukti path’ on
tumblabung village was inaugurated by the GTA councillor Gopal Ruchal, in the
presence of the panchayat executive Dilip Bagdas, the active member of nari
morcha Binita Rai and the samasti president D.B Rai. The important connectivity
to meet the other end was lacking in tumlabung area which is located in the
outskirt of Kalimpong therefore the world vision sponsored the stretch of three
kilometers concerning the Eco tourism which is in a process for a fresh start up.
The organization is apparently working for the development of the suburban
areas specially to bloom tourism. “The motive of world vision is to bring
development with the help of GTA authorities and government partners; the inaugurated
road is not only for transportation, but also for the proper medical aids and
the agricultural products to reach towards the commercial state” Said Clement
Songata the manager of World Vision. The
rough construction has successfully winded up two kilometers starting from ‘Sadhu
Gaun’ to ‘Kothay Gaun’. “Sixty houses are approximately benefited by the focused
program” Said the local inhabitant of the village K.B Rai. Songata also said
that the faith of world vision is to bring positive changes and educate the community.
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